April 27-28, 2018 – Introductory Training in St. Louis, MO


What: 2-DAY Interdisciplinary Introductory/Refresher Collaborative Training in the One Coach/Neutral Facilitator/Neutral Mental Health Professional Model

Collaborative Family Law Association of St. Louis

Sponsor: Collaborative Family Law Association

Registration Now Open!

Where: Kids in the Middle, 2650 S. Hanley Rd., Suite 150, St. Louis, Missouri 63144

When:  April 27-28 2018, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm

Trainers: Tampa Bay Collaborative Trainers

Costs:  $485 on or before 3/26/18; $550 after 3/26/18 (lunch, beverages, and snacks included)

Continuing Education:

18 CLEs

16 CEs – MHPs

16 CEs – CDFAs*

Pending IDFA Approval

Connect on Social Media: #CollaborativeLawSTL

Learn more:  Contact Nancy Williger, Ph.D. at nawillgr@aol.com

Registration Now Open!


What would it feel like to help clients divorce peacefully, privately, and with dignity?  Wouldn’t it be great to consistently work with professionals whom you know, trust, like, and respect?  Learn how to offer Collaborative services and get involved in your Collaborative Law community in this highly engaging two-day Introductory Interdisciplinary Collaborative Family Law training.  This course is intended for attorneys, mental health professionals, financial professionals, mediators, and others who believe there is a better way to help clients through difficult times.

At our two-day Introductory Training, participants will do the following:

-Learn how and why collaborative practice was developed

-Discover the essential paradigm shift that allows collaborative professionals to succeed

-Review the Uniform Collaborative Law Act or jurisdiction-specific statutes/rules

-Explore and enhance option development techniques

-Identify the distinction between interest-based discussion and positional bargaining

-Obtain a step-by-step guide on how a collaborative case typically proceeds

-Participate in discipline-specific break-outs and Q & A sessions

-Engage in a discussion on collaborative practice and professional ethics

-Exchange ideas on marketing to foster the  development of a collaborative practice

-Learn how to grow and re-energize your local collaborative community

This training meets and exceeds the IACP Minimum Standards for an Introductory Interdisciplinary Collaborative Training

Registration Now Open!